Grace Kirchner, Leader Correspondent
The Clintonville School District and city of Clintonville are sharing costs of a digital public information sign that is being installed at Green Tree Road and North Main Street.
The total cost of the sign is about $31,500 including electrical and landscaping. It will be 29 inches high and 10.5 feet wide.
The state Department of Transportation has $16,000 available from the Main Street reconstruction project, according to Lance Bagstad, who is an alderman and principal of Clintonville High School. The city and school district will split the remaining costs.
Operational costs will be split evenly by the school and city. The Rotary Club has expressed an interest in maintaining the landscaping of the sign, Bagstad said.
Bagstad said City Adminstrator Sharon Eveland indicated there might be more money available from the DOT, so the costs to the school and city could be less than anticipated.
Details such as what will be posted on the sign and who will control it have not been decided.
“There has been some discussion that the funds could come from the tourism dollars and the sign could be placed near Fox Valley Technical College south of the city, but I told them that the school district would not agree with that,” Bagstad told the school board Monday.