Leader Staff
A Menominee Indian School District bus was rear-ended Tuesday morning, sending the driver of the other vehicle to the hospital with significant injuries, according to the Menominee County Sheriff’s Department.
Medical examinations were conducted on the 38 students who were on the bus and found that none of them were injured, the sheriff’s department said.
The incident took place on state Highway 55 at Goodman Fields Road just after 7:30 a.m.
The bus was stopped with its lights flashing when it was struck from behind, according to the sheriff’s department.
The students were transferred to another bus and taken to their designated schools.
The driver of the other vehicle was airlifted to a nearby hospital with significant injuries. No further information was available Tuesday afternoon.
The highway was closed for about an hour after the crash.
Menominee County sheriff’s deputies were assisted at the scene by Menominee Tribal Police, Tribal Conservation, Keshena and South Branch fire departments, and Menominee Tribal Rescue Service.