Grace Kirchner, Leader Correspondent
The Clintonville Common Council voted this week night not to replace Mayor Judith Magee until the spring election.
Magee agreed earlier this year to resign, effective Jan. 1. Magee said she was resigning for health reasons, but the decision also settled a complaint filed against her by local resident Tricia Rose alleging misconduct in office. The city also agreed to pay Rose’s legal expenses; in return, she dropped the complaint.
Magee denied Rose’s allegations but agreed not to seek re-election.
Council President Lois Bressette has filled in as acting mayor during Magee’s absence.
The council had three options for dealing with the mayoral vacancy: select someone from the council as interim mayor, appoint a resident to fill the rest of Magee’s term or wait until the April 5 election, when the seat is on the ballot.
Former Mayor Richard Koeppen offered to fill in as mayor until April. The Waupaca County Board chairman, who is up for re-election in April, said he had no plans to run for mayor. Any stipends he received if he served as interim mayor would be donated back to the Veterans Memorial expansion and the proposed dog park, he said.
Alderman Brad Rokus said he favored appointing Koeppen because of his strong leadership and because it was just for a few months.
City Administrator Chuck Kell recommended not filling the vacancy. He said Bressette had learned a lot and had been doing a good job.
Alderman Steve Kettenhoven agreed with Kell and said that Bressette could still represent her district while handling mayoral duties.
The council voted 8-2 Monday to not fill the mayor position before the election. Bressette will continue as acting mayor until then.
Those voting not to fill the vacancy were Kettenhoven, Mary-Beth Kuester, Jeannie Schley, Jim Krause, Gloria Dunlavy, Darrell Teal, Bressette and Amy Steenbock. Rokus and Julie Stumbris voted no.