Grace Kirchner, Leader Correspondent

Photo by Grace Kirchner Clintonville Police Department Sgt. Chris Wendorf carries an urn with the ashes of K-9 Chero following the memorial ceremony Thursday at St. Martin Lutheran School. Wendorf and Chero, who died Sept. 9, logged more than 1,000 training hours together.

Photo by Grace Kirchner Dozens of police officers and emergency personnel joined Clintonville Police Department officers for a memorial ceremony honoring K-9 Chero at the St. Martin Lutheran School gymnasium in Clintonville on Thursday. Chero died Sept. 9 due to an acute intestinal disorder.
The Clintonville Police Department held a memorial ceremony Thursday to honor K-9 Chero, who died Sept. 9 due to an acute medical condition.
A processional started at 12:30 p.m. on U.S. Highway 45 at Bear Creek Corners and traveled down Main Street to Hemlock Street to the gymnasium at St. Martin Lutheran School.
Police officers from as far away as Dodge County lined up for the Honor Guard as Chero’s handler, Sgt. Chris Wendorf, carried an urn with Chero’s ashes.
Clintonville Police Chief Jim Beggs thanked Wendorf and his family for taking Chero into their home, caring for him and making him an important part of their lives. Chero and Wendorf logged over 1,000 hours of training together.
“Chero came into our hearts and he let us know when he wanted playtime and affection,” Beggs said.
He recalled that dispatcher Linda Monte played a game with Chero. Every day, she would hide a ginger snap and Chero would always win.
“Chero knew when it was time to go to work, and it became all work,” Beggs said. “Playtime was over.”
Beggs said that the only way you could stop Chero was with a camera; he loved the camera.
“If I could describe Chero with one word, it would be impressive, in action and appearance,” Beggs said. “I miss Chero. We will accept love again, but there will be big prints to fill.”
Beggs noted that K-9 units will give up their lives for people.
Beggs said the department’s officers had all become very close to Chero were surprised by his unexpected death.
Chero became sick on Sept. 8 and was taken to the Fox Valley Animal Referral Center for evaluation. During the examination, it was found that Chero suffered from an acute intestinal disorder, which twisted his intestines and deprived them of blood. He died the next morning.
Chero was born on Jan. 2, 2013, in the Czech Republic. He joined the Clintonville Police Department on Nov. 1, 2014.
Chero took part in 174 deployments, including numerous narcotics sniffs, tracking assignments, perimeter security and building checks, according to Beggs. He secured 81 arrests.
St. Martin Pastor Chris Burg gave welcoming remarks Thursday, led an opening prayer and read from the Scriptures.
Students from St. Martin sang “The Star-Spangled Banner,” “Battle Hymn of the Republic” and a hymn.
Boy Scouts led the Pledge of Allegiance, and Robert McMillin provided a slideshow of Chero’s life.
Refreshments were served in the Fellowship Hall after the ceremony.
The Clintonville Police Department is planning to continue the K-9 program, which is funded entirely through private donations. Donations are accepted at the Clintonville Police Department, 35 S. Clinton Ave., Clintonville, WI 54929. For information, call 715-823-3117.