Tim Ryan, tryan@wolfrivermedia.com
Action has been put off for a second time on a proposal to change the city’s zoning code to allow looser restrictions on electronic messaging signs.
The Shawano Plan Commission last month was initially set to vote on a plan that would have forced variable electronic messaging signs in the city to display any single text or graphic for at least eight seconds before changing.
The proposed change would have amended the ordinance in the city’s new code book, adopted in 2015, that requires a single message display time of at least 30 seconds.
One problem with the current rule is that few if any businesses are complying with it.
Some 19 businesses and public organizations in the city, including churches and schools and organizations such as the Shawano Country Chamber of Commerce, have electronic messaging centers with LED or other types of displays that rotate every two to four seconds.
Most were in place before the 2015 code changes and were grandfathered in.
Tony Zielinski, owner of the Four Seasons Resort, appeared before the commission to argue that even lowering the minimum time to eight seconds was unreasonable.
Zielinski is planning on adding an electronic messaging center outside the Four Seasons that would promote not only his business but also other community events.
He said it would be unfair to hold his sign to a different standard than the 19 that have already been grandfathered in.
After lengthy discussion, the commission recommended a minimum of three seconds for text massages or static images before they could change, and six seconds before any changeover of animated displays, including video.
By the time that proposal reached the Common Council, however, it was decided the change was significant enough to warrant a new public hearing.
The public hearing was expected to be held Sept. 12.
According to City Administrator Brian Knapp, more time is needed to draft a proposed ordinance and to consider how it might affect other areas of the zoning code.
The Common Council will discuss the issue at its Sept. 12 meeting to offer suggestions and input, but no action will be taken.
“The change would affect many inter-related sections of the zoning code and needs to be more thought out,” Knapp said.
Zielinski did not respond to a request for a comment by press time.