Tim Ryan, tryan@wolfrivermedia.com

Friends and longtime acquaintances shared their thoughts Wednesday on the passing of Doug Knope, who served as Shawano area fire chief for many years, owned several businesses and was a tireless contributor to the community.
Much of what he contributed was done quietly, behind the scenes.
Knope never wanted to call attention to what he did, and probably wouldn’t have wanted to have a story written about him, according to Duane Ashenbrenner, who was with him on the fire department for 55 years.
“I enjoyed working with him and for him,” Ashenbrenner said. “He was very good at what he did.”
Knope’s activities ranged from maintaining snowmobile trails to weed cutting, Ashenbrenner said. “He was into everything. A lot of memories.”
Former park and recreation director Judy Judd said Knope often volunteered his time and company equipment, with the caveat that she not publicize it.
“I had the privilege of working with Doug for over 30 years,” she said. “He was a consummate champion for the city of Shawano. Doug was the voice of reason and always there to quietly lend a hand when needed. This community has lost a great leader and friend.”
Tony Zielinski, president of the police and fire commission, called Knope a mentor and a friend.
“He will be missed beyond words,” Zielinski said. “He and his family were the most giving people and an inspiration to the community. He set an example that all of us should work toward.”
Former Mayor Lorna Marquardt said Knope was one of the humblest and kindest people she ever had the pleasure of knowing.
“He was such a champion for our city,” she said. “His service as fire chief for decades spoke of his love and pride for the community and the fire department. He quietly did many positive things for our city, never seeking attention or praise. He brought joy to many. My heart goes out to his family during this sad time.”
Russ Schmidt, who served as mayor prior to Marquardt, said Knope’s quiet contributions helped make Shawano what it is today.
“He contributed so much to this city over the years without taking any credit for it,” Schmidt said. “He was involved in all kinds of projects and events he donated to, and got others to donate. He was very involved in the city. He made Shawano what it is, in my opinion, or helped to.”
Schmidt said Knope was well-liked by everyone who knew him.
“He was a great guy,” he said. “I don’t know anybody who didn’t like him.”
Wescott Town Chairman Mike Schuler praised Knope’s leadership of the Shawano Area Fire Department, which serves the city and surrounding communities.
“Our fire department wouldn’t be what it is today if it hadn’t been for him,” Schuler said. “He was a super guy. He gave his life to this community. He will be missed.”
Knope stepped down as chief in June 2016 after 25 years overseeing the department. He was a firefighter with the department for 30 years prior to becoming chief.
Shawn Borlace, who took over as chief, had high praise for Knope last year when he retired, particularly the training and professionalism Knope brought to the department.
“He taught me so much personally, and he taught the whole department how to move forward,” Borlace said.
Knope, 80, passed away Wednesday after a 6 ½-year battle with cancer.