Grace Kirchner, Leader Correspondent
Several Clintonville residents asked for additional police protection in the area of the Main Street reconstruction project Monday.
At a construction information meeting at the Community Center, a resident said his vehicle had been broken into three times, another said chairs had been moved around in the backyard, and others complained about vehicles speeding. A store manager said he had concerns that stones kicked up by the traffic will break his windows.
City Administrator Sharon Eveland said she would take the matter to the police department, but she said the budget did not allow for additional police personnel.
The project is on schedule despite several rainy days.
Residents were reminded that for a couple of weeks they will, at times, have limited access to their residences.
“There is a lot to be done, and with the least amount of traffic, they can get the work done the quickest,” said Joe Trierweiler of Trierweiler Construction.
Trierweiler told the residents that one lane of Main Street will be paved beginning Aug. 28. Residents will not be able to drive on it for four or five days as the concrete cures. The second lane will be paved beginning Sept. 6.
The curb and gutter installation is planned to begin on Sept. 11 and will take about a week to complete. The sidewalks and driveways will be done starting Sept. 18. The street will be finished by the end of September if the weather cooperates.
On or about Oct. 1, the landscaping will be done including grass seeding, tree planting and lights.
The intersection at state Highway 22/Main Street and Highway 156/Green Tree Road opened on Sunday. An effort was made to complete that portion of the reconstruction before the beginning of the school year to accommodate the traffic around the schools.