Scott Williams,

Bonduel Police Chief Todd Chaney is ready to retire but not until village leaders are ready to let him go.
Nearly two months after announcing retirement plans amid political turmoil at Bonduel Village Hall, Chaney remains on the job with no replacement in sight.
Chaney said he has agreed to continue serving as police chief while Bonduel Village Board members consider applicants to succeed him.
“I’m just assisting them with the transition,” he said.
Chaney’s retirement initially was scheduled to take effect July 21.
Village Trustee Luka Zischka said officials have tried unsuccessfully to persuade Chaney to reconsider retirement, and that officials are moving forward with searching for a new chief.
Zischka said he was glad to see Chaney willing to help out on a somewhat extended basis.
“He’s staying a little longer,” Zischka said. “He said he would help as much as we need him.”
The village board is expected to continue its review of potential candidates for police chief Aug. 22.
Chaney, who has been the village’s police chief for six years, submitted his retirement on June 21, one day after village trustees engaged in a testy discussion about liquor license renewals and one trustee questioned the chief’s handling of licenses.
In his retirement notice, Chaney wrote that unnamed village board members had created a “hostile working environment.” Tensions continued until Margie Qualheim, Joan Kamps and Mary Barney all stepped down as trustees and were replaced with new appointees.
Chaney, 69, said he had been planning to retire next year anyway, and he has no intention of reconsidering. He said a couple of part-time police officers have since resigned, so he wants to help maintain stability in the department until a new chief is on board.
The chief’s full-time salary was $62,400 a year, although Chaney is now working part-time.
He said the existing staff of himself and two officers is doing a good job of keeping police business running smoothly.
“We’re keeping up with everything,” he said.
The village board has met several times behind closed doors to consider the chief position. On July 17, the board met with individual applicants, according to village records.
Board members Dick Sibert and Barb Wickman both said the hiring process is still under way. Wickman said she expects to see progress soon, but she declined to provide details.
”I don’t want to say anything that would jeopardize anything,” she said.