Leader Staff
An ordinance regulating the timing of electronic messaging signs was expected to be pulled from the Shawano Common Council’s agenda Wednesday in light of new language added by the plan commission last week.
The commission recommended a minimum of a 3-second display for text massages or static images before they could change, and six seconds before any changeover of animated or video displays.
The proposed change would have amended the ordinance in the city’s new code book, adopted in 2015, that requires a single message display time of at least 30 seconds.
However, there was no reference in the code to video, and that medium was not raised until it was added last week by the plan commission.
City Attorney Tim Schmid said it was a significant enough change to require a public hearing on the matter before a vote is taken and he would recommend the item be removed from Wednesday’s agenda.
“We don’t want a significant change without adequate public comment,” he said.