Editor’s note: In response to a flyer published anonymously opposing the Bonduel School District referendum on the ballot Tuesday, the Bonduel Area Action Committee on Friday issued the following statement:
The Bonduel Area Action Committee is a fact-finding group intending to share only accurate information about the upcoming Aug. 1 school district referendum. Based on what we’ve learned, we are a vote yes committee. Over the past several weeks there have been inaccuracies that we have worked hard to correct. The most recent information that has been floating around the Bonduel community also has several pieces of information that are not accurate, including the following:
• Why do we need a referendum? The district has $1.1 million in its savings account.
FACT: As the BAAC understands it, the fund balance is not like a personal savings account. When it is used in certain ways, less state aid is given to the school, which will hurt students and taxpayers alike in the future.
• If the district has declining enrollment, why hire four more teachers?
FACT: As the BAAC understands it, staff can adjust with enrollment. This year the district could add some, next year they might not. It is more fluid now than we all remember. Just because there is hiring doesn’t mean the staffing budget increases. The district has been cutting staff positions for several years as enrollment has declined.
• How can we trust the school board and administration to handle the money wisely if they got us into this mess?
FACT: As the BAAC understands it, a handful of years ago the state took $800 million away from education. Almost all districts have been cutting since. Bonduel, like many other districts, has reached its tipping point and needs our help. The Bonduel School Board has been fighting for our village and students for years.
• I am hearing conflicting information about the new elementary principal. What is this about?
FACT: As far as the new principal is concerned, the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction has a solid process and we have to let that process unfold. In the end, the BAAC is confident that the best person for the job will be in front of the students and staff. Also, this referendum has nothing to do with the new principal hire. The hire and referendum are separate platforms. Let’s not muddy the waters between the two.
• Why would cutting the school lunch program help the budget when it’s paid for by federal money?
FACT: As the BAAC understands it, only parts of the lunch program are supported by federal dollars. Much of the monies for the program to operate are from district funds. A sound school board needs to explore everything, and we believe the Bonduel board has been doing that for years.
• Why a four-day school week? Isn’t that just a made-up idea?
FACT: As the BAAC understands it, this was another cost savings exploration by the school board. Members of the BAAC know that districts in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula have done this. Once again, this possibility shows that the Bonduel School Board is doing all they can to explore avenues to support both students and taxpayers, as everything is on the table.
• The School District of Bonduel will never close. That’s just a scare tactic.
FACT: As the BAAC understands it, the school board and the community are doing everything they can to support Bonduel and the children. Therefore, the hope is Navarino, Cecil, Bonduel, and the surrounding area will always have a home district. However, in Wisconsin, districts have closed and have been split up. It is a truth that needs to be stated. In the end, however, we (the BAAC, parents, aunts, uncles, grandparents, and supporters of the village of Bonduel and neighboring communities) will vote yes on Aug. 1 and together we will all move forward achieving great things for the community and children.