Scott Williams,

Leader Photo by Greg Mellis The Shawano Ski Sharks’ all-girls ballet line launches off the dock in Smalley Park on Wednesday for the group’s first show of the 2017 season on the Wolf River in Shawano.

Leader Photo by Greg Mellis The new space carved out in Smalley Park for the Shawano Ski Sharks and their fans includes terraced seating arranged amphitheater-style on the ground, two sets of metal bleachers, new concessions stand and grassy areas where fans can set up lawn chairs or blankets. The water-ski team opened its performance season Wednesday evening.
The Shawano Ski Sharks and their fans made a smooth landing Wednesday in the water-skiing group’s new venue on the Wolf River.
The troupe’s season-opening show introduced fans to the new Smalley Park show site featuring amphitheater-style seating and other amenities.
Although the location is not far from where the Ski Sharks were based previously, fans said the more comfortable arrangement makes a big difference for enjoying the show.
“It’s very nice,” spectator Jolinda Schmidt said. “I like it better.”
More than 100 people turned out to watch Wednesday’s season premiere in warm and sunny conditions, as the Ski Sharks entertained the crowd with water-skiing tricks, pyramids and other exhibitions.
Fans said the new setting seems more spacious and comfortable, offers less obstructed views, and provides a more wide-open area for the skiers racing up and down the Wolf River.
“It’s such a big improvement,” said Heather Beaulieu, who cheered on her husband and two children, all members of the Ski Sharks.
The shows, continuing through Aug. 16, sometimes attract crowds of 300 people or more to the Shawano riverfront.
The water-skiing team entertained crowds for about 20 years at its previous location to the south. But the free weekly performances conflicted somewhat with swimmers at Wolf River Beach, and the performance area brushed up close to the Green Bay Street bridge structure stretching across the river.
When city officials began making plans for redevelopment of Smalley Park, the water-skiing group last year agreed to move about two blocks north to the other end of the city-owned park.
The city’s other plans include building a new pavilion, a canoe and kayak launch, boat landings, an improved beach, walking trails and other upgrades.
The new space carved out for the Ski Sharks and their fans includes terraced seating arranged amphitheater-style on the ground with landscaping pavement. There also are two sets of metal bleachers, as well as a new concessions stand and grassy areas where fans can set up lawn chairs or blankets.
The main entrance for the shows has been moved from Fifth Street to Third Street.
Ski Sharks President Dave Passehl said members of his team are pleased with the new facilities, which he said offer a slightly different orientation so that spectators will get less sunlight glaring directly into their eyes.
“We’re super excited, absolutely,” Passehl said.
The group includes about 60 skiers, both adults and children, who perform at 6 p.m. every Wednesday and also do occasional special events.
Elizabeth Dillenburg, a skier in her third season with the Ski Sharks, said she expects to see the quality of the performances improve, because the new venue provides more room on the river to maneuver without worrying about the bridge or other possible obstacles.
“I love how they did everything,” she said of the reconfigured site. “I think it’s a big improvement.”
Fans at Wednesday’s premiere spread out across all the seating options, and they cheered loudly when the host asked over the public-address system how they like the new location.
Maria Keuschel, whose husband is a member of the team, settled onto a blanket in the new terraced seating to watch the show with her small children.
“I love it,” she said. “You can spread out as much as you want.”
For information about the Shawano Ski Sharks, go to