Tim Ryan, tryan@wolfrivermedia.com

Leader Photo by Tim Ryan Mayor Jeanne Cronce and Tree Advisory Board Chairman Bill Erdmann present a Friend of Nature Award to Scott Paider during an Arbor Day ceremony Wednesday at Franklin Park.

Leader Photo by Tim Ryan Fourth-graders from area schools display a banner designating the city of Shawano’s status as Tree City USA at an Arbor Day ceremony Wednesday at Franklin Park.
The city of Shawano picked up its 23rd annual Tree City USA award Wednesday in a ceremony at Franklin Park, where umbrellas outnumbered the trees.
Mayor Jeanne Cronce saw a silver lining in the downpour, however, noting that the precipitation was necessary for planting and growth.
“We do need the rain when we do plant, so I guess somebody knew what they were doing when it started raining,” she said.
Cronce read a proclamation honoring Arbor Day, which is actually Friday, which noted that trees help clean the air and water, produce oxygen, reduce storm water runoff, reduce heating and cooling costs, moderate temperatures and provide food and habitat for wildlife.
She also noted that trees unify neighborhoods and provide joy and spiritual renewal.
Cronce also announced certificates of appreciation to longtime and now retired members of the city’s Tree Advisory Board, Fred Ponschok and Geraldine Stephens.
Tracy Salisbury, regional urban forester for the state Department of Natural Resources, presented Cronce with a flag and plaque marking the city’s status as a Tree City.
She also presented awards to Shawano Municipal Utilities for its efforts protecting tree lines and promoting tree growth.
SMU devotes $2,000 in its budget each year for tree planting.
Nature’s Friends awards were also presented to Stephens and to Scott Paiser of OakHaven S&C.
Park and Recreation Director Matt Hendricks and Matty Mathison also announced that a cherry tree would be planted at Franklin Park in honor of Curt Knoke.
The ceremony was attended by fourth-grade students from Olga Brener, St. James and Sacred Heart schools.
Each school will receive a 3-year-old seedling courtesy of the DNR.
Plans had called for a ceremonial tree to be planted Wednesday, but Tree Advisory Board Chairman Bill Erdmann said “it’s too wet and muddy.”