Tim Ryan, tryan@wolfrivermedia.com
City police will be able to fine minors who share explicit images and other sexually explicit material under a new ordinance adopted by the Shawano Common Council on Wednesday.
The minor sexting ordinance covers nudity and other graphic content that could be considered harmful to minors sent over a computer or other electronic device.
“The reason we wanted the ordinance is we needed a consequence for under-age persons who engage in sharing, via electronic devices, inappropriate images of themselves to other under-age persons,” Interim Police Chief Dan Mauel said.
“The only alternative we had was to charge a felony offense that upon conviction would require the person to register as a sex offender with the state,” he said. “In the past a lot of these cases were not charged because the child would end up with a felony conviction. With the sexting ordinance in place there is a consequence for the child’s actions that will not follow them throughout their lives.”
A fine for a first offense totals $313, including fees and court costs. A second offense would bring a fine of $565.