Gresham Scholarship Fund is offering a community scholarship for any community member who has completed one semester in a post-secondary education institution and earned a minimum grade-point average of 2.0.
The fund is planning to give up to three $1,000 awards in 2016.
Applications are due by 4 p.m. June 30. Applications are available at the Gresham Community School office and at Click on the scholarship listing tab, find the link to “Available Scholarships.” Follow this and locate “College and Non-Traditional” and scroll down the list to the link (Shawano Area Community Foundation Gresham Scholarship Fund Community Scholarship) to download the instructions and application form.
For information, call 920-830-1290 or Robert Klopke at 715-787-3386.
GSF has enjoyed great support from the community and is in a position to expand upon its mission to assist community individuals in furthering their education, Klopke said.