Shawano Police Department
Oct. 25
Police logged 23 incidents, including the following:
Disorderly — Police responded to a disorderly conduct complaint in the 300 block of West Picnic Street.
Disturbance — Police responded to a disturbance in the 500 block of South Smalley Street.
Disorderly — Police responded to a disorderly conduct complaint at Smalley and Division streets.
Theft — Prescription glasses were reported stolen from a locker at the Shawano Recreation Center, 220 E. Division St.
Disturbance — Police responded to a disturbance At Richmond and Waukechon streets.
Shoplifting — Pick ‘N Save, 190 Woodlawn Drive, reported a shoplifting incident.
Oct. 24
Police logged 17 incidents, including the following:
Burglary — Police investigated a burglary in the 1100 block of South Weed Street.
Disturbance — Charges of domestic violence and battery were referred against a 54-year-old Shawano man after a domestic disturbance in the 700 block of South Lincoln Street.
Fraud — Police investigated an Internet fraud complaint in the 400 block of West Division Street.
Theft — A purse was reported stolen in the 300 block of East Richmond Street.
Oct. 23
Police logged 25 incidents, including the following:
Drug Offense — Police investigated a drug complaint in the 900 block of East Green Bay Street.
Shoplifting — Walmart, 1244 E. Green Bay St., reported two adults in custody for shoplifting.
Theft — Items were reported stolen from a vehicle in the 1000 block of East Stevens Street.
Vandalism — A vehicle was reported egged in the 300 block of West Eagle Street.
Theft — A safe was reported stolen from a residence in the 800 block of West Picnic Street.
Shawano County Sheriff’s Department
Oct. 25
Deputies logged 37 incidents, including the following:
Disturbance — Authorities responded to a disturbance on Lake Drive in the town of Wescott.
Juvenile — Authorities investigated a juvenile alcohol complaint on Mill Street in Wittenberg.
Harassment — Authorities responded to a harassment complaint on Highway 117 in the town of Washington.
Disorderly — Authorities responded to a disorderly conduct complaint on Webb Street in Tigerton.
Assault — Authorities investigated an assault complaint on Elm Grove Road in the town of Pella.
OWI — A charge of operating while intoxicated was referred against a 24-year-old Shawano man after a single-vehicle accident on Maple Avenue in the town of Wescott.
Oct. 24
Deputies logged 38 incidents, including the following:
OWI — A 47-year-old Shawano woman was arrested for operating while intoxicated on Anderson Avenue in the town of Wescott.
Hit and Run — Authorities investigated a property damage hit-and-run on state Highway 29 in the town of Hartland.
Disturbance — Authorities responded to a disturbance on Balsam Row Road in the town of Wescott.
Disturbance — Authorities responded to a domestic disturbance on County Road A in Gresham.
Disturbance — Authorities responded to a disturbance on Camp 14 Road in the town of Bartelme.
Oct. 23
Deputies logged 48 incidents, including the following:
Drug Offense — Authorities investigated a drug complaint on East Green Bay Street in Shawano.
Disturbance — Authorities responded to a disturbance on Main Street in Birnamwood.
Disorderly — Authorities responded to a disorderly conduct complaint on Webb Street in Wittenberg.
Disturbance — Authorities responded to a disturbance on North Avenue in Mattoon.
Theft — Authorities responded to a property theft complaint on state Highway 29 in the town of Richmond.
Hit and Run — Authorities investigated a property damage hit-and-run on U.S. Highway 45 in Wittenberg.
Disturbance — Authorities responded to a domestic disturbance on Main Street in Bowler.