Tim Ryan, tryan@shawanoleader.com
Bonduel School District Administrator Peter Behnke will retire at the end of the school year, ending 25 years overseeing the district and 40 years in education.
Behnke, 62, said the district is in a good position to continue on without him.
“I’ve watched the staff change and progress and improve. I’m very pleased with the group we have here now,” he said. “The district is in the best shape I can recall it being in.”
Behnke’s last day on the job will be June 30.
“It’s time to leave and let somebody else step in,” he said.
Behnke started his educational career as a teacher of chemistry, math and physics for 12 years in Niagara, then served as a principal there for three years.
He came to the Bonduel School District as administrator in 1989.
Behnke said he has enjoyed working with the community, staff and School Board.
“It’s been very enjoyable working with everybody,” he said.
Behnke said he had considered retirement before but always found reasons to stay.
“Now we have a lot of talented young folks on the staff, and it’s time for me to step out of their way,” he said.
Behnke has overseen the district through significant changes, particularly technological advances that were in their infancy when he joined the district.
“When I came here, I carried my own Radio Shack computer with me,” he said.
Behnke recalled that it was once impressive for prospective teaching candidates to say they were skilled in word processing or knew how to make a PowerPoint presentation.
Behnke said staff know-how has not only kept up with, but also surpassed the advances in technology.
“Their expertise has improved even more,” he said.
Administrators in the Bonduel School District have a history of long tenures. Behnke is only the third administrator the district has had since 1950. Frank Weix was administrator from 1950-1979, followed by Lyman Franzwa from 1979-1989.
“There’s been a lot of consistency, which has helped maintain district programs,” Behnke said.
Behnke said the School Board has always been an important part of that from his experience.
“The board has always been careful to let me deal with the day-to-day operations,” he said.
The board will hold a special meeting at 6 p.m. Monday in the Bonduel High School/Middle School Library Media Center to discuss the district administrator job description and the process for finding a replacement for Behnke.
Behnke said he will assist the board, and at this point there are no plans to bring in a consultant to do the search.
Behnke said the community and its location, along with the healthy shape the district is in, should attract quality candidates. He expected a candidate would be selected in May.
Behnke’s salary is $124,388.
Behnke said he had no specific retirement plans.
“I’m sure my wife will come up with something for me to do if I don’t,” he said.