Leader Staff
Shawano County is still looking for public input on its outdoor recreation plan after a lightly attended informational meeting Wednesday.
Parks Manager Keith Marquardt said only about a dozen people attended the meeting hosted by the East Central Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission and Shawano County Parks Department at the Shawano County Courthouse.
“It’s disappointing, but it’s hard to get people to come out on a Wednesday evening during the winter,” he said.
The public is still invited to express their opinions through the end of the month by completing a survey about the county facilities at www.surveymonkey.com/s/ShawanoCoParks. The survey is also on the county’s web site.
The ECWRPC and Shawano County kicked off a 12-month planning process to complete a Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan for the Parks Department in the spring of last year. It will be the first update since 2007.
The process includes a comprehensive examination of the county’s parks and recreation facilities, and recommendations for improving the system and its services over the next five years.
Among other things, having a comprehensive plan will make the county eligible for potential grants.
The revised plan will focus on four key areas, adding more public participation in determining the destiny of the county parks, along with developing health-related purposes to the original plan’s goals for outdoor recreation and preserving unique natural and cultural resources.
Marquardt said there was some feedback given at Wednesday’s meeting, focusing mainly on paths and walking trails at the Mielke Arts Center and possible improvements at Heritage Park and Sunset Island, where there is a need for additional parking.
Marquardt also said attendees were happy with improvements made under the old plan over the past seven years, including new shelters and bathroom facilities.
The outdoor recreation plan will be on the Highway and Parks Committee agenda on Feb. 18. Marquardt said it is hoped a finalized plan will be before the County Board at its March meeting.