Grace Kirchner, Leader Correspondent
The chassis for the city of Clintonville’s new brush truck will come from a Hortonville company rather than Clintonville Motors.
In December, the Clintonville Common Council approved a bid of $158,500 from E.J. Metals of New London for the truck. Fire Chief Shane Krueger told the council the chassis would be purchased through Clintonville Motors.
Interim City Administrator Chuck Nell explained to the Common Council last week, however, that Kevin Quinn, of E.J. Metals, sent a letter that arrived after the meeting saying he wanted to work with a different supplier.
Quinn’s letter said the cost of the truck would remain the same. He also said Clintonville Motors would have charged extra for a floor-plan change, which would have had to be approved by the council.
In order to avoid delays, the council decided to purchase the chassis from Murphy Ford.
Krueger said Clintonville Motors had worked with E.J. Metals last November and December and understood the order would be placed with them.
The fire department last year received a government grant of $147,000 for the truck, with the stipulation that the truck be purchased within a year.
The fire department will purchase small equipment and minor components, and supply labor at no cost when the truck arrives.